Bluey is an Australian animated series that premiered in October 2018. Bluey is the main character and is a seven-year-old blue heeler pup. She lives with her little sister Bingo, her Mother, Chilli, and her father, Bandit. Bluey and her family are always on an adventure, whether going to the park or to grandma or getting imaginative and creating their own worlds. This is what makes the show so enjoyable.
I discovered the show in 2021 when my little niece was watching it on Disney Junior. I enjoyed the show more than she did. So when I saw there were Bluey plushies available, I did not only buy them for my niece but for myself too.
Today I share with you my Bluey plush guide. In this guide, I will share with you how I chose these plushies, detail their appearance, and discuss my likes and dislikes. I will also share my very own Bluey plush with you guys.
So are you ready, guys? Let’s get started!
Bottom Line Up Front
If you have little kids or you like to watch Disney Junior or Disney Plus, I’m sure you are familiar with the series Bluey. Bluey is a blue heeler-pup who lives with her little sister, mother, and father. Together they are always on an adventure and always know how to make simple things fun.
Today I’m sharing with you guys a guide to the Bluey plushies. Now you can make the series come to life in your living room or bedroom. I can assure you that your kiddies will have a blast.
My favorite Bluey plushie is the Bluey Plush. It might sound ironic that my favorite Bluey plush is Bluey, but she is adorable. I love her appearance and her personality. She is also soft and squishy, which I love!
Let us take a look at my other top picks.
Top Picks
- Bluey Plush – She is my favorite character from the show, and I love her appearance and how soft and squishy she is.
- Bingo – Bluey Plush – I love her jumbo size. She is the perfect play and nap partner.
- Bluey Friends – Rusty – I love his color and that he won’t show dirty quickly.
- BLUEY Friends Plush Honey – I’m obsessed with her light blue glasses. I also love the fact that she looks so similar to her character in the series.
- Bluey Chattermax Plush Toy – I love that she is tiny and so colorful. Even though she is so small, she will bring a pop of color to any room.
Selection Criteria
I chose the Bluey plushies mentioned according to the following criteria:
- Most of the Bluey plushies I mention are authentic.
- I wanted to include Bluey’s friends, family, and toys.
- I included a variety of Bluey plushies sizes so everyone can pick their ideal size.
- I included budget-friendly Bluey plushies that stay under $30.
- Bluey plushies that you, your friends, and kids will love who are obsessed with the series.
- The Bluey plushies I included have very detailed features, and their facial features are embroidered.
- I included Bluey plushies that look like their characters in the series.
Bluey Plush Options: Bluey and Her Close Family
Bluey Plush
Brand: Bluey
Size: 8 inches
Bluey is a blue heeler-pup. She is the oldest daughter of Bandit and Chilli and is 7 years old.
Bluey is a very happy, energetic, and curious pup. Her favorite thing is playing pretend with her younger sister Bingo and her family. She has a powerful imagination and always finds ways for her and her sister to have fun.
The Appearance of the Bluey Plush
Bluey looks like her father, Bandit. Her body is a light blue color, while her tummy, paws, and thick eyebrows are a lighter shade of blue. Her face and ears are dark blues. A light blue triangle in the middle of her face separates her dark blue features.
She has sharp pointy ears that are yellow on the inside. Bluey also has a yellow snout with a blue triangle nose. She has round black embroidered pupils with white surrounding them.
What I Like About Bluey the Plush
I love how the light blue, navy, and yellow look together. I also like the fact that she is blue and a girl. It breaks the norm that blue is only for boys. She is soft, cuddlable, and made out of soft deluxe fabrics. Her facial features are embroidered. I like this because there is no worrying about small parts coming loose and becoming a choking hazard for your little ones.
Let us have a look at some of Bluey’s pros and cons.
- She is a great size for little kids to carry around.
- I love that her stitching is so detailed.
- She is an official Bluey plush.
- This plush toy resembles her character in the series perfectly.
- She is soft and squishy, which I love because it helps ease my anxiety if I squish or press on her tummy.
- Her light blue parts might show dirt very easily.
- The stitching of her mouth and feet might pull loose after time.
- Her eyebrows look weird to me. It does not look like eyebrows but like bobbles on her head.
My Own Bluey Plush
Bingo – Bluey Plush
Brand: Bluey
Size: 16 inches
Bingo is Bluey’s younger 4-year-old sister. She is a red heeler-pup.
Just like her sister Bluey, Bingo loves to play. But she is more reserved and introverted than her sister and sometimes feels left out. There are also times when she struggles to get her words across. But her family is very supportive of her and helps her with this.
Bluey sometimes lets Bingo play the leading role in their pretend games which helps boost her confidence.
The Appearance of the Bingo Plush
Bingo looks like her mother, Chilli. She is orange and red. Her head and ears are red, and the red is separated by an orange triangle in the middle of her face. She has round black pupils with white surrounding them. Her snout is light orange, and she has a brown triangle nose. Her eyebrows, tummy, and paws are a light orange.
What I Like About Bingo
I love her red and orange color. I also love her size and that she is made out of soft premium materials. I can relate to Bingo the most because I’m shy and introverted around new people or if I feel uncomfortable.
Let us have a look at her pros and cons.
- She is an official Bluey plush.
- She is 16 inches and the perfect size to give extra big hugs.
- For her size, she is very affordable.
- I love how precisely her stitching is done.
- I love that she looks like the character from the series because sometimes toys from series or movies look nothing like the character.
- The white parts of her eyes and the lighter orange parts of her body will show dirty quickly.
- Her eyebrows look weird to me and look like cheese puffs on her face.
Bluey Mum Chilli
Brand: Bluey
Size: 9 inches
Chilli is Bluey and Bingo’s Mom and Bandit’s wife. She is a red heeler-dog.
Chilli is loving and caring and can be strict with the pups sometimes. But overall, she is a fun-loving mom who enjoys playing with her kids if she isn’t busy with housework or her work. She is a wife who loves romantic gestures and enjoys spending quality time with her family.
The Appearance of Chilli the Plush
She has a very similar appearance to Bingo. The differences are that part of her face, and her ears are brown. We can see some little hair details on the brown part of her face. She has a beauty mark just below the brown part of her face, and her ears are yellow on the inside. Her body is a brownish orange color, and her paws are a light orange/cream.
What I Like About Chilli
I love that part of her face and ears are brown and that she looks slightly different from Bingo. This helps me know who is who when I’m playing “Bluey’s adventures” with my niece. I also love her name Chilli, which matches her red and orange appearance.
Let us have a look at Chilli’s pros and cons.
- She is a great size for your kid to take with them on their adventures.
- She is made from soft quality fabrics.
- I love that her features are so detailed and embroidered on.
- She is very affordable.
- The light orange/cream parts of her body will easily show dirty.
- She would have looked better without the thick eyebrows.
- To some, it might look like she has a grumpy facial expression because of her eyebrows.
Bandit- Bluey Plush
Brand: Bluey
Size: 12 inches
Bandit is the father of Bluey and Bingo and the husband of Chilli. He is a blue heeler dog.
Bandit is usually tired, and when his daughters ask him to play games, he is not always eager or up for it. But when he finally gives in, he enjoys playing the games and takes them seriously.
He also enjoys using the games here and there to teach his daughters things they should know in life. Bandit also tries to do romantic things for Chilli now and again, even though he sometimes forgets how.
The Appearance of the Bandit Plush
Bandit looks very similar to his oldest daughter Bluey. His face is navy with little hair details. He has light blue eyebrows and black embroidered pupils with white surrounding them. The inside of his ears is yellow.
Bandit has a yellow snout with a black triangle-shaped nose. The rest of his body is blue, with his paws and the outer part of his belly in a lighter blue. The inside square of his belly is yellow, matching his snout and inner ears.
What I Like About Bandit
I love how the yellow features complement his body’s navy and light blue colors. I also find the little hair details that you can see on his face very cute.
Let us have a look at Bandit’s pros and cons.
- I love his colors and how they complement each other.
- His size makes it great for kiddies to play and cuddle with.
- He is an official Bluey plush.
- He is soft and comfy and made out of great quality materials.
- Great gift for kids obsessed with Bluey and her family.
- His light blue body will show stains easily.
- His eyebrows do not look like eyebrows. It looks like things that keep his ears warm.
Bluey’s Friends Plush Options
Bluey Friends – Rusty
Brand: Bluey
Size: 8 inches
Rusty is one of Bluey’s friends and is a red Kelpie.
Rusty is a confident pup. He likes to play army and house on his own or with friends.
The Appearance of Rusty the Plush
Rusty is red with some tan features. The inside of his ears, eyebrows, snout, diamond patch and paws are tan. He has a brown triangle-shaped nose.
What I Like About Rusty
I like that his name matches his appearance. I also like the fact that he is so dark in color. This way, he won’t show dirt that easily.
Let us have a look at his pros and cons.
- I like that he is red with tan features. It makes him stand out.
- The ideal size for your kids to carry around and take with them wherever they go. It is small enough to fit in their backpack.
- He won’t show dirty that quickly because most of his body is dark.
- He will make a cute addition to your collection. I mean, Bluey needs her friends.
- I love the diamond patch on his tummy.
- Some might feel that he is too small to cuddle with.
- The white parts of his eyes will show marks very quickly.
Bluey Friends – Lila
Brand: Bluey
Size: 6.5 inches
Lila is Bingo’s (Bluey’s Sister) best friend.
She has a similar personality to Bingo being all shy and reserved. But when she is with Bingo, they have a great time.
The Appearance of Lila the plush
She is a Maltese. Her body is covered in fluffy white fur. She has big black embroidered pupils and white circles surrounding them with purple stitching. She has a white snout with a black nose and a purple smile.
What I Like About Lila
I love her fluffiness and that she is so tiny. By just looking at her, you can see that she is sweet.
- She is small and great for decorating, traveling, or playing.
- She is soft and fluffy.
- She is an official Bluey plush.
- I love the purple stitching around the eyes.
- She will get dirty very quickly.
- For some, she might be too small.
- I find her eyebrows weird. It looks like horns.
The following are also plushie friends of Bluey, but they are not authentic.
Bluey & Friends Lucky
Brand: Moose Toys
Size: 8 inches
Lucky is a Labrador who lives next door to Bluey.
Lucky is a very likable pup and is friends with most of the pups at school. He also loves watching football with his dad.
The Appearance of Lucky the Plush
Lucky is a yellow Labrador with floppy ears and a brown triangle nose. He is holding a red basketball in one of his hands. His eyebrows are very prominent and are a lighter yellow compared to the rest of his body. He has round black pupils with white surrounding them. He has a yellow snout and a brown triangle nose.
What I Like About Lucky
I love his color and that he is a Labrador. Labradors are one of my favorite dogs because they have such beautiful personalities. They also like everyone, just like Lucky does. I also like the basketball detail in his hand that is added.
Let us have a look at Lucky’s pros and cons.
- I love his color and that he resembles the character so closely from the series.
- I love that they portray his love for basketball in the series with his red basketball in his hand.
- He is made out of premium quality and is soft, fluffy, and cuddlable.
- I love his fluffy eyebrows and his floppy ears.
- He is not an official Bluey toy.
- The basketball might pull loose from his hand if played too rough with.
BLUEY Friends Plush Honey
Brand: Generic
Size: 8 inches
Honey is a Beagle and is one of Bluey’s school friends.
Like Bingo(Bluey’s sister), she is timid and sometimes needs encouragement to join in on the games.
The Appearance of the Honey Plush
She is a white and brown Beagle. Her ears are slightly darker than the rest of her body, and she has dark brown eyebrows. She has a white snout, a brown triangle nose, and a big brown smile. She has big black pupils with white surrounding them and cute light blue glasses.
What I Like About Honey
Like honey, she is really sweet, and I find her adorable with her light blue glasses on. Let us have a look at Honey’s pros and cons.
- I love her size. She is travel friendly, and you can take her wherever you go.
- I love her light blue glasses because they give her an intelligent look.
- I love her detailed facial features.
- She looks just like her character from the series.
- I love her ears.
- Her white parts will show stains easily.
- Her glasses might pull loose if played too rough with.
- Her eyebrows look like bobbles on her head.
Bluey’s Toys Plush Options
The following toy plushies of Bluey are authentic.
Bluey Chattermax Plush Toy
Brand: Bluey
Size: 6.5 inches
Chattermax is Bluey’s little bird toy.
She is Bluey’s toy, and she is very loud. Some think she has a manufacturing fault because she doesn’t have an off switch.
The Appearance of the Chatterbox Plush
Chatterbox is very pretty and colorful. Her body is purple with purple wings and a white tummy. She has an orange beak and orange feet. Her face is green, and she has huge eyes with yellow stitching around them. Her eyelashes and brows are gorgeous and multicolored. They look like wings on their own.
What I Like About Chatterbox
I love that she is so bright and colorful. She will bring color and positive vibes to any room you put her in.
Let us have a look at her pros and cons.
- She is Bluey’s toy, so she is a great option to add to your collection.
- All the colors used complement her perfectly.
- I love her detailed facial features.
- She is an official Bluey plush.
- She is the perfect size to decorate the house or as a plushie for your little one.
- To some, she might be too small.
- Her white belly and part of her eyes will show dirty easily.
Bluey Bob Bilby Plush Toy Hand Puppet
Brand: Bluey
Size: 8 inches
Bob Bilby is Bingo’s (Bluey’s sister) hand puppet.
Due to Bob being a hand puppet, it does have a personality of its own. But Bingo makes up a personality for him.
The Appearance of the Bob Bilby Plush
Bob Bilby is a rabbit hand puppet in different shades of purple and pink colors. He has large black embroidered eyes. The inside of his ears is pink, as well as its nose. It has an opening at the bottom to put your hand in.
What I Like About Bob Bilby
I love that it has purple and pink features because it is my favorite colors. It is soft and great to play and cuddle with.
Let us have a look at the pros and cons of Bob.
- I love that his material is soft and made out of great quality.
- I love that your kids can cuddle with it, entertain each other, and put on a show for the whole family.
- It will help grow your children’s imagination.
- It is very affordable.
- I love its long floppy ears.
- It is too small for an adult’s hand.
- The light pink parts will show stains easily.
Where To Buy Bluey Plushies
You can find the Bluey plushies at the following places:
- Takealot(South Africa)
- The official website of Bluey
- Amazon
- True Blue Toys Australia
- eBay
- Kmart
- Big W
- Target
Alternative Bluey Options
Here are some alternative Bluey options that you can grow your collection with. Let us have a look.
Bluey & Family Figure 4-Pack
This family pack of figurines of Bluey is adorable. You can bring the Bluey series to life and create your own stories with Bluey and her family. They will all look so adorable on your shelf, dresser, or bedside table.
It will be the best gift for someone obsessed with Bluey.
Bluey Girls & Boys Toddler 4 Piece Backpack Set
Do your kids always nag you for backpacks and lunchboxes for school? Well, now you can surprise your kids with backpacks, lunch boxes, and water bottles with their favorite characters on them.
The best part is everything matches together. You even get a blue water bottle that matches the lunchbox and backpack, and it will keep your little ones hydrated.
Bluey, 4WD Family Vehicle, with 1 Figure and 2 Surfboards
Adding the Bluey family vehicle to your collection is a must. It is such an iconic part of the series, so it will make a cute addition to your collection. You get 2 surfboards and Bluey with the car. Now you and your kids can pretend you are heading to the beach with Bluey. Remember to surf, guys!
Question: Is the Bluey plush a girl or a boy?
Answer: The Bluey character/plush is a girl. She is the oldest daughter of Chilli and Bandit Heeler.
Question: Are the Bluey plushies expensive?
Answer: It all depends on the Bluey Character you choose and the size. But they typically range from $10 to $30. Which is not bad for official Bluey plushies.
Question: What is the smallest Bluey plush, and what is the biggest Bluey plush available?
Answer: The smallest Bluey plushie is 6.5 inches, while the biggest is 32 inches.
Don’t be blue, but we have reached the end of the article. I hope you guys enjoyed the Bluey plush guide just as much as I did. Bluey, her family, and her friends are such cute characters that you want to collect them all. Was there a Bluey plushie that stood out to you? Let me know in the comments below. I love all the different Bluey plushies, but I have my favorites that I will share and recommend to you.
My favorite Bluey plushie is Bluey Plush. And no, it’s not because she is the main character, but I love her personality and imagination. I also find her features adorable, and I find it cute that she looks like her dad. I also recommend getting Bingo – Bluey Plush. Bluey needs her sister and her playing companion. The plushie is also a great size, so you can cuddle her after you have played with her.
And that is it, my Bluey fans! What are you waiting for? If you feel blue, get yourself the Bluey plushies and her friends. Get your imagination going, get creative, and create adventures with your new plushies. Have fun, guys!